Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Income Tax Law Of India explained - A slideshow

Income Tax Laws in India can be confusing, specially to the non tax professionals. But at the same time all of us have to pay taxes (well seems like that is the right thing to do :-). The better we understand the laws, the more the chances that we save more on taxes.

Here is a slideshow from Afterschool which takes a stab at explaining Income tax laws in powerpoint format.

And if all this is too much for you to keep track of, then don't worry - eLagaan will keep track and make necessary changes to our systems. So you don't have to worry or keep track of changing tax laws (learn more). All you need to do is use eLagaan to prepare tax returns and we will take care of the rest.

And if you ever have any tax queries just fire away your questions at our income tax forums.